Monday, July 15, 2024


I think it fair to say that those who were once referred to as being our “mainstream media” have now, and perhaps forever, altered the way that most Americans look at them. I think most Americans now view this rather odd assortment of ‘journalists’ as being nothing more than the ‘fake news’ media, and it’s these same individuals who now see it as their purpose in life as being not to provide bona fide news, and/or accurate information, to the general public but is, instead, just the opposite. But unfortunately for us, things don’t end there. Because it was at some point those in today’s ‘fake news’ media chose to ally themselves with the Democrat Party.

Since then, those in the ‘fake news’ media have taken it upon themselves to do all they can to make sure that as many Democrats as possible continue to get elected to political office. All the while working just as hard to ensure that anyone who dares to run against any Democrat is endlessly attacked courtesy of all manner of accusation, rumor, inuendo and outright lies. And, as we saw over this past weekend, if there were to be an attempt made on the life of one of those candidates, the blame for said attack would be placed on the victims themselves. Never should the blame for such an event be connected to any specific Democrat or to the Democrat Party.

And it’s nothing that makes that more obvious than their choice on how to cover the recent assassination attempt on President Trump. Take for instance how it was that ‘ABC News’ chose to cover the incident, it’s a classic example. You see it was on Sunday that current faux ‘journalist,’ and prior Clinton hack, George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos said during his idiotic program, “This Week” that Donald Trump and his supporters have contributed to “violent rhetoric” while discussing yesterday’s assassination attempt on the former president. Stephy said, “Of course, President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well."

And it was one of his trusty sidekicks, Martha Raddatz who said, “Absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan district attorney. ‘Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful.’ Trump, in January, warned of bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And of course, in March, he said, ‘Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it."

And she said, “He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context. But those are indeed his words.” And it was from there that she then went on to say, “And you have heard it from supporters as well, and supporters are certainly in some parts angry. And let’s remember January 6th. In so many ways, for the campaign, January 6th will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event. This is a very difficult time for this campaign. I’m sure this week in Milwaukee that President Trump will highlight this, and President Biden is going to have to figure out how to go forward with his campaign and what exactly they say."

Stephy said, “You’ve traveled around the country talking to voters in this deeply divided nation. In some ways, this is a horrific symptom of the underlying division in this country.” Raddatz said, “It certainly is, George. I’m sure that will probably continue. We saw President Trump raise his right hand, as Jon just described, and we’ve seen those pictures. But we could also see him say, ‘Fight, fight.’ That was his first instinct.” She added, “This is a country divided. This is a country, we saw the violence yesterday, the horrific violence yesterday. We’ve seen it in places.” Right, horrific violence that those like these two clowns have continually tried to incite.

She said, “We’ve also seen this morning we’ve heard President Trump say he wants the country to come together, to be united, but others are directly pointing the finger at President Biden with, of course, no evidence that he incited this or had anything to do with this assassination attempt. We heard J.D. Vance who is one of the leading picks for vice president, in a tweet say, this is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.’ Again, there is no evidence of that."

Stephy, along with Martha the bimbo, followed in the same vein as that of pre-War Nazis in Europe. They accused their victims of inciting riots by way of violent rhetoric. It’s beyond ironic that Stephy would choose to accuse supporters of President Trump. But contrary to this cockamamie theory of theirs, it was, in fact, some crazy nut inspired by Democrat talking points that actually made this attempted assassination possible. This particular nut thought he was killing a dictator, like these scum bag Democrats persist in calling President Trump all the time. And it’s Stephy, and his idiotic sidekick, who are as guilty as the rest of them of spreading these lies.

These disgusting freaks might as well have pulled the trigger themselves, with all their lies and deception. They know those who tend to vote Democrat are always on the edge, and therefore are stupid enough to believe whatever they’re told. All the division in the country has been created by Democrats and their corrupt little mouthpiece ‘fake news’ puppets. And what’s even worse, they’ve done it all intentionally. These leftwing media hacks promote hate and violence. And now they’re doubling down on this idiotic narrative that President Trump, and his supporters, have somehow played a part in the assassination attempt on his life.

These Democrat shills in the ‘fake news’ media must be held accountable. It’s nothing short of outrageous that they now attempt to shift the blame onto President Trump and the Republicans. It’s the extreme rhetoric against President Trump and his supporters that caused this. They must be held accountable for inciting this. Ever since Donald Trump first came down the escalator, they have gone full 1984 against him. They have pushed dozens of false hoaxes, claimed President Trump is a “threat to democracy” and would be an “authoritarian” or “dictator” if he wins. Will the lying members of the ‘fake news’ media and their paymasters ever be held accountable?

Look, plan A was suing Trump, that failed. Plan B was keeping him off the ballot, that too failed. Plan C is the “lawfare” with Democrats using the same legal philosophy used by the NKVD under Stalin of, “Show me the man and I will find the crime.” This has only served to pump up President Trump’s poll numbers and fund raising. Plan D was to assassinate of President Trump after stripping him of Secret Service protection. But I guess they couldn’t wait. So Joey chose to direct his DEI Secret Service Director to turn down repeated requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump. She acquiesced despite knowing the threat level against President Trump.

The Democrats have used our criminal justice system against President Trump, tried to discredit him with Russia Gate and other diabolical attempts to silence him. All have failed. Lately we have been hearing threats of violence, especially after the Supreme Court ruling on immunity and now some idiot tried to make good on those threats killing an innocent victim and wounding three including President Trump. Most of us were not shocked by this, I would argue that most us felt it was just a matter of time. So at what point do Democrats tell their supporters that this is not acceptable, or perhaps, they don’t care about what method is used to silence President Trump!

I so detest this Clinton bootlicking little fuck. He needs to be off the air and jobless for attacking President Trump after he took a bullet for this country. It seems not to matter to this loon that the country is being destroyed by Joey, but then why should he, he’s not impacted by any of what regular people are being made to live through. And he bothers not to point out that all of the violent rhetoric, referring to President Trump as Hitler and is an existential threat to the country and should be stopped at all costs. Stephy has been issued his talking points, and by golly he’s going to do as he’s been told to do. There is no equivalence here. Just more media astroturfing.

We were told President Trump was responsible for the riot at the Capitol on January 6 because of his supposedly violent rhetoric. Now he’s responsible for his attempted assassination. Right, and women wouldn’t get raped if they didn’t dress provocatively, banks wouldn’t get robbed if they didn’t practice predatory lending, Jews wouldn’t be attacked if they would just embrace Islam and give up their country. Oh, and illegal immigrants wouldn’t commit crimes if we would just give them citizenship and better hotels and free meals. Idiots in the media have been begging Joey to take President Trump out and now they finally got one of their sheeple to step up.

I never cease to be amazed at how quickly those in the ‘fake news’ media are able to spin the news to fit their narrative in an effort to make it all President Trump’s fault. They accept no responsibility for the role they played by spewing all manner of hate 24/7. America has no civilized news, all we have is a steady diet of hate news and lies. Words like Hitler, Nazis, dictator and racist are flippantly used all over the ‘fake news’ media on a daily basis. And it’s all designed to create violence and to stir up anger in our political environment. Those in charge of these bogus news outlets should be fired. Americans deserve a civil discourse in the reporting of the news.

And finally, I’m so sick and tired of the word “division.” There is no “division” in this country, not really. You see, Americans are not divided on late term abortions, open borders, inadequate police responses, prosecutors failing to prosecute criminals, “catch and release” of criminals, government over-reach, taxation, the economy, homelessness ruining our communities, drugs and criminals overtaking the borders, removing energy choices such as natural gas, forcing EVs on us, and a slew of other things pushed by tone-deaf oppressors feathering their own nests and putting the rest of us in jail when we oppose them. Imagine if we actually had an honest news media.

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