Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Joey has always at least appeared to be a guy devoted to his party, willing to do whatever it called upon him to do. But was it all nothing more than a charade, an attempt on his part, to only create that perception in order to safeguard his ability to maintain the family business. After all, what other means was available to someone with his limited intellect to amass an amount of serious wealth? Let’s face it, he’s not smart enough to actually create anything or even to run any sort of a business, so what was left to him other than politics? And now that he’s been handed the most profitable gig of his entire political life, he seems in no hurry to walk away from it.

And it was just this past Monday that he once again made that very clear, to everyone. It was during Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s ‘Morning Schmo’ that *president Joey said that the “elites” now calling on him to drop out of the presidential race should challenge him at the Democratic National Convention. Joey said, “I was one of the few people out there publicly saying before the 2022 election there will be no red wave, there will be no red wave. I’ve been all over the country. I didn’t believe it at all. Then in 2023, key elections, I went into those races, not every one of them, but a lot of them, saying we were going to win. We won those."

He continued, “The American public is not going to move away from me as an average voter. Again, I’m here for two reason, pal. One, to rebuild the economy for hard working middle class people to give everybody a shot, a straight shot, everybody gets a fair chance, number one. Number two, remember about all this talk about how I don’t have the black support, give me a break, come with me, watch. I’m getting frustrated by the elites, not you guys, the elites in the party, oh, they know so much more. Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me, announce for president, challenge me at the convention."

And he also went on to add, “In Europe, the polls were wrong in France and there’s no right wave here in America either.” Now, Joey claimed that the polls weren’t right in France, but they were right. Le Pen’s party received a popular majority of votes. They just got screwed by the oh-so-grand “democratic” process that was deployed to thwart popular will. As is usually the case in “democracies” and also quite present in the 2020 electoral farce that gave us *president Joey. Le Pen's party got the most votes, but Macron cut a sleazy deal with the leftwing crazy parties to have candidates stand down so Macron's candidates could win. Joey can’t pull that trick here.

This is what makes the U.S. different from the rest of the world. We are, at least for the moment, a Republic, and in that Republic we have that little thing called the Electoral College. Exactly what the forefathers wanted for us. Where everyone gets a say with the popular vote without all of the backroom deals like we saw in France. What we all witnessed take place in France is the exact form of “democracy” that the Democrats would love nothing more to have right here at home. And this is exactly the sort of shenanigans they would try to pull in their effort to cling to power if our system was changed. Hence their endless calls for ending the Electoral College.

And so as Joey continues to stutter, shuffle, rage and trip over his own tongue, he has to be given credit for at least one thing, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt just how great a President Donald Trump actually was, and will be once again. And that’s even with those in the ‘fake news’ media attacking him 24/7 for no other reason than their own Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). By the time November 5 rolls around, 75 percent of America will be begging for his return with a full mandate to do whatever needs to be done to return America to greatness. And he will do just that, of that I have no doubt. Just wait until he closes that damn border...Hallelujah!

So here’s a question: How many of the people who have thus far chosen to vote for Joey in the primaries, would still vote for him again today knowing the current state of his mental health, or lack thereof? And here’s the answer: Unfortunately, it would probably be a rather embarrassingly high number of our hardcore Democrats. But I don’t think they would actually be voting for him, personally, I think they would likely be voting for the state system of centralized command and controlled oppression. Whomever it is that sits in the chair probably doesn’t matter all that much to them as long as they know the system of ‘Big Brother’ is oppressing their neighbors.

But look, when you get right down to the heart of the matter, he and the Biden Crime Family have no choice. And it looks like there will have to be a real doozy of a fight if the Democrats do go through with any sort of an attempt to replace him. If Joey and family wish to go down hard, they have the potential to drag the entire Democrat Party down with them. But then on the other hand, as we all know, Biden family members can be bribed, for the right price. But it would appear that the party has chosen to ride out the storm, and will likely employ their usual brand of trickery and hope, just like last time, they’ll be able to get Joey across the finish line.

Again, it’s this bit of political theater in the making that will be fun to watch as some very deserving people finally get their just deserts. At least we can hope. While they are busy destroying themselves, our candidate can start putting together an agenda that he can implement on day one. And if I may be so bold I would suggest that on day one he pardon all the January 6 political prisoners and shut down the border by any means necessary. And then, perhaps on day two get rid of needless departments, fire every head of every government agency and ask Congress to set up investigations into the coordination that we all know takes place between the DNC and the media.

And as I have said before, it’s my unexpert personal opinion, that the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner. Joey has become the guy who they can neither live with or without. They certainly don’t want to run ‘Headboard’ Harris since she has poll numbers that are even worse than Joey’s. And if they dare to try to put someone else in her place, besides the fact that all of the donations thus far given to the re-election campaign would be lost, blacks would likely be outraged and simply stay home on Election Day. Plus, there just isn’t enough time to start a presidential campaign with only 90 days before election. So it seems they’re stuck with Joey.

Everything Joey is doing, is exactly what they accused President Trump of having done or something he would do: starting with the refusal to leave office if duly expelled. But then Joey didn’t lie and cheat his way to the top just to give it all up. For the first time, in a long time, I’m actually enjoying watching the Democrats. Four years ago they pulled this vegetable aside and told him they would cheat him into office and all he needed to do was what they told him to do! He’s 95 percent corpse, and the other 5 percent is biting the hand that feeds him. But the options are few for the Democrats and time is running out. Hopefully we get our country back in November.

Here’s their dilemma. The party establishment, donors, media, and power elites cannot lawfully replace Joey as their presumptive nominee unless they also first publicly declare him to be cognitively unfit to serve as the country’s current leader. If you say A, then you must also say B. There can be no exceptions. The problem then arises of how to best remove a cognitively diminished *president before he can sign a series of blanket pardons for his bribery taking bag man son, Hunter, his brother in crime, Jimbo, his gun moll sister, Valarie, and perhaps even one for himself? Not a good look going into an election for anyone who is chosen to replace Joe.

Anyone who has paid any amount of attention to Joey's career isn’t surprised that he is unwilling to make the hard choice for the good of the country. Joey is not now, nor has he ever been, the “nice guy” he likes to portray himself as. He’s a mean, self-centered asshole whose ego is as big as all outdoors. The problem is that he doesn’t have the brains to go along with all the bravado! It’s poetic justice. Joey has been a mean, weak, cheating, backstabbing, conniving politician during his entire 50-year career in politics. Joey is a hardheaded narcissist, and his dementia has made it worse. And I must say that I take a great deal pleasure in watching his downfall.

The Democrats created this monster thinking that the “old man” would be easy to control. Sadly, they see now that dementia patients can be quite rigid and rather stubborn. Especially when they don’t realize the extent of their disability. So at the end of the day, the question is not whether or not he can defeat President Trump. The question is whether or not he is actually ‘fit"’ to carry out the duties of the Office of President. Clearly if he has dementia, he is not qualified, pure freaking simple. He has to take a mental test and it has to be administered by an actual physician who is non-partisan and who has the best interest of our country at heart.

And finally, to all of you who think the Democrats are dead in the water right now, remember, these people don't care about laws or rules. The only thing they care about is power and they have proven they will do anything, anything to keep it. They will threaten Supreme Court Justices. They will stuff ballot boxes and stop vote counting in the middle of the night for no reason. They will change voting rules at the last minute without the approval of their state legislatures. They will destroy people who question whether an election was done fairly. They will break all the immigration laws to open the borders to get new voters. They will do anything. Absolutely anything!!!

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