Saturday, July 6, 2024


Like rats deserting a sinking ship, more and, more Democrats are at least suggesting that perhaps the time has now come for old Joey to step aside, again not so much for the sake of the country but, instead, for the good of the party. And I guess what I find to be more than a little ironic is the fact that many of these people now wanting him to step aside are the very same people who have been telling us all along that Joey is as sharp as he ever was. Not that he was really all that sharp. But none of this shit any longer flies, the debate pretty much proved that. Everything is now out in the open, and clearly Joey has progressed round the bend and is now seen as a liability.

And another little bit of irony here is how at least some of those now calling on Joey to step aside are actually blaming family members for his resistance to leaving the race, claiming they have convinced him that he should not. And yet, right up to the moment of the debate they were themselves claiming that calls for Joey to step aside were more than a little premature. But now that certain donors have decided to reduce the level of their generosity, and public opinion has taken a bit of a downturn, these folks have changed their tune and are now suggesting that perhaps it would be best for him to simply step aside. But who, exactly, would replace him?

Personally, at this point I would just as soon see Joey stay right where he is. After all, the Democrats made this bed, they should be made to sleep in it. I mean, just how is it that the Democrats could possibly do any worse? But, that said, of course there are those on the other side who would disagree with my layman’s opinion. For example, there’s current CNN senior political commentator and former ‘BO’ hack David Axelrod. Axelrod is one of those now pointing a bony finger at Joey’s family as being the primary reason that Joey refuses to abandon the race. And he said as much during an appearance on this past Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront."

You see, it was during that appearance that Axelrod argued that *president Joey’s family advisers are “indulging hm” by telling him there is a path forward for his candidacy. Axelrod said, “I think that for those who care about the president, I’m sure his family does, but family advisers who are, I think, indulging him here by telling him that there’s a path forward. I think that there’s a terrible risk to this. I do think that this is a this will define him if he moves forward. He’s had an extraordinary career. I worked with him in the White House. I enjoy joyed working with them in the White House I think he was an enormous asset to President Obama."

Axelrod went on to say, “I think he’s done some really great things as president and he, he routed Donald Trump from the White House, which was a great service to the country but to give it back because he was told that he could win an election, that is increasingly out of reach.” And he added, “He’s going to see more and more candidates who are in competitive races this is running away from him. So this is not on a good path and he needs to come to grips with this. I know he cares about the country, cares deeply about the threat that Trump represents. He needs to act on them.” Idiots like Axelrod have always been overrated by the fawning fake news.

I’m curious. Do leftists ever tell the truth to each other? We know they lie constantly to everyone else. Of course there’s a path forward. Joey should simply refuse to drop out, then stay out of the limelight for a while, except for VERY controlled interviews, and wait for those now calling for his departure to understand that he isn’t going anywhere, and that it’s either him or President Trump. Shortly after they will all once again start gaslighting us as all, and acting as if none of this ever took place. That no one ever actually called on him to leave the race. They’ll simply do what they always to, and rewrite a little history and throw everything they have in supporting him.

Everything Democrats say is only for political consumption and never based in real life. Like when they say white supremacy is the most dangerous terrorism in the U.S. or reparations are needed and will lift black Americans out of poverty. Or that George Floyd was robbed of his life by a murderous cop, and there’s no telling what his future held. That the U.S. needs plenty of EV chargers in run down urban neighborhoods, or it’d racist to question whether Covid came from a Chinese lab or how illegal immigrants add value to the country and the millions flooding across our southern border has somehow makes the country richer. The list of the lies is endless.

Then you throw into the mix personalities like some mentally ill dude running around admiral’s garb giving out health advice, a lipstick wearing bald guy in dresses that is a luggage kleptomaniac, a Secretary of Transportation whose only qualification is that he’s gay, because he knows nothing at all about transportation. These fantasies that are told by the media and the freaks in government are not sustainable. The only thing America exports these days is weird sexual perversions and corruption. We’ve become the guest that has been invited to the party that all the other guests would rather not have to see at the party. And that’s not because of President Trump.

Joey’s family is nothing more than a bunch narcissistic, power hungry, love the money grifters who, after a half century, are in no particular hurry to bring an end to their money train. Jill understands that she becomes totally irrelevant the second old Joe leaves office. Hunter becomes unemployed because he’ll no longer have any influence to peddle. They don’t want this to stop. No wonder they’re trying to convince him to continue. They all need to be locked up. They’re “indulging him” to their own selfish ends, but Joey deserves every second of what his, and their, combined decades long evil has wrought. He has truly earned every ounce of pain his exposure brings.

But as corrupt as the entire Biden family may in fact be, it’s much the same that can be said of those like Axelrod.  Because it was all of these leftwing sleaze bags now coming out of the woodwork who, after having foisted this senile dunce on the country courtesy of their lies and deception, are now trying to pretend it’s only now that Joey is beginning to show signs of an illness serious enough for him to step aside in his quest for re-election. But it’s all BS, he was a complete mess four years ago, rarely venturing out of his basement while at the very same time allies in the ‘fake news’ media used the Covid virus as a way to prop him up.

As far as I’m concerned, if he’s not fit to be prosecuted for classified documents because of his obvious cognitive decline, then he most certainly unfit to run for President. If one does genuinely love this country then clearly, family status and/or party status, should play no role when it comes to deciding whether or not to call for him step side and to abandon his question for re-election. If Kamala is their next presidential nominee, so be it, let the nightmare of her leadership begin, if necessary. Personally, I’m happy this is how Joey will be remembered in history, as an old coot who lost his mind and was then thrown out of office by his own party.

Axelrod claims that Joey has “had an extraordinary career.” And while that may actually be true one sense, it may not be how Axelrod intended. I mean, let’s face it, Joey has been a racist, self-serving, grifter his entire half century long career in government. No one can point to anything that he actually had a hand in doing that was good for the nation. And I just can’t get over how the Democrats continue to accuse President Trump of being a danger to the country. How and why? How did he harm the country during his time in office? If they really believe that, they are sicker than anyone can imagine. Clearly, it’s all nothing more than simply a scare tactic.

And so it is that we find the Democrats having painted themselves into a corner. First, they have the DEI vice president who no one wants as president. She was selected as part of deal with Bernie Sanders to drop out in 2020. And she’s further left than most of her party. Then you have the lying ‘fake news’ media and most of the people around Joey who have covered for his cognitive decline for years, maybe even decades. They could have had a real primary, but nope, Joey was their guy. Now it’s so close to the election that they don’t have much choice as to what to do. And apparently, Joey’s campaign coffer goes to ‘Headboard’ if he were to drop out.

Finally, none of this could’ve happened to be better bunch of folks. They are solely responsible for the mess in which they find themselves. And I derive a great deal of enjoyment out of watching them squirm, although I’m quite sure that it does nothing to bolster our standing on the world stage, not does it instill much confidence in our country. Whoever the next president is, they will have much work to do in trying to convince leaders of other countries that we’re not an example of ‘Funny Farm,’ albeit in a grand scale. Democrats do not believe in objective “truths.” That would expose them to a concept totally foreign to them, something called “right and wrong.”

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