Monday, July 8, 2024


Well, it would seem that cracks are now beginning to develop in the façade in what is supposed to be the overwhelming support for the guy who, despite the rather obvious fact that he’s short a few marbles, many swore allegiance to no matter what. Now many are claiming that they were unaware of the severity of the man’s deteriorating mental condition, but that’s clearly a lie. And yet, they were willing to do all they could to ensure that he’s successful in his bid for re-election. And now, what they’ve long known, is now obvious to all, prompting a growing number of people to question their own reasoning for offering their support to the candidate in the first place.

And now to the reason I bring any of this up. Hollyweird has long been a bastion of Democrat support, as well as the party’s personal little treasure chest come every election, a bottomless well from which they always seem to draw limitless amounts cash. And it’s for obvious reasons these perverted haters of America enthusiastically support the party of perverted haters of America. But it would now seem apparent that even some of these Hollyweirdos have their own set of standards, which some might say are more than a little twisted. Which may now not bode well for old Joey. As they say, there’s no honor among thieves, or in this case among Democrats.

I only say any of this because it was very recently that one of Joey’s most loyal Hollyweird fundraisers, and most vocal cheerleaders, has pretty much stuck a knife in the back of old Joey. You see, in a rather shocking turn of events it was this past Sunday that Rob ‘Meat Head’ Reiner officially declared that “it’s time for Joe Biden to step down.” Reiner announced his dramatic change of heart courtesy of an ‘X’ post, saying if President Trump wins, “we lose our Democracy.” Now, as is usually the case, he cited no specifics as to how that might happen, nor did he clarify if he wants Joey to give up his re-election bid or to resign from the White House, or both.

Reiner is just another idiot who clearly has no idea what he’s talking about. I guess he must have forgotten that Donald Trump has already served a term as President and things were far better then than they have been under Joey. The rather stunning change of heart comes after Reiner has spent the last several years as one of Joey’s biggest entertainment industry supporters, even going as far as to once declare that Joey was the best president since Lyndon B. Johnson. And as recently as last week, in the aftermath of Joey’s rather humiliating debate performance, Reiner was still out there leading the parade by hosting Hollyweird fundraisers. So, what happened?

Apparently, Reiner threw one his well-documented temper tantrums at a watch party for the CNN debate, reportedly screaming as Joey repeatedly froze up a number of times and had difficulty completing sentences. However, even that didn’t prevent him from putting out a message the day after the debate reaffirming his support for Joey, saying, “Not a tough choice.” Who does he think he’s fooling? Joey’s cognitive issues have been on display since well before the 2020 election. And those like Reiner were fine with a cognitively impaired president as long as he rubberstamped their agenda. The only reason they care now is because he’s now behind decisively in the polls.

Look, ‘Meathead’ is an idiot if he genuinely thinks that Joey has had a great career as a politician and as *president. Joey has been selling this country out his entire half century career in politics. Reiner knew four years ago that Joey was demented but lied and continued to back him anyway. He’s just another Democrat who realizes that he got caught lying about Joey’s competence. Nothing this boob has to say matters. He’ll throw one last tantrum when President Trump is re-elected with Republican House and Senate majorities. Then he’ll likely disappear into the woodwork until such time as President Trump makes his next Supreme Court nomination.

Now while I am far any sort of a political expert, but it would seem to me that the Democrats’ problems would only increase if Joey were to choose to exit the race since it happens to be the opinion of most actual experts that ‘Headboard’ Harris would fare even worse than Joey against President Trump. Her approval ratings are in the teens and twenties. Most every poll that I’ve seen seems to show her loosing worse than Joey in a match up with President Trump. And if she is passed over “again” it’s the considered opinion of many who should know that many black Democrats are not going to vote and simply choose to stay home. So it’s a lose/lose for Democrats.

Here’s what Reiner, and his fellow Hollyweirdos, either don’t understand or simply choose to ignore. Those of us out here in the real world actually WANT their version of “democracy” to be destroyed, because from our perspective it’s THAT that is destroying our country. “Democracy” is nothing more than mob rule, which is why you won’t find the word in any of the founding documents, the authors of those documents were well aware of what would result from democracy, and we’re now seeing the results of it today. It’s all of these uneducated, or barely educated, morons who profess to know what’s best for the rest of us, that are pushing the notion.

And how, exactly, would we come to lose what those like Reiner so flippantly refer to as our “democracy?” Will President Trump’s DOJ go after his political enemies? Will there be armed FBI raids on the homes of innocent Americans? Will prosecutors be turned into politically motivated hit men? Will Republican judges hold Kangaroo courts handing down ridiculously punitive fines? Will they take resurrected misdemeanors and turn them into felonies? Will votes be rigged? Will his political rivals be censored on social media? Will he choose to imprison people for years without trial? I’m just wondering how it is that things will be any different from what we have now?

Everywhere you look Democrat stooges, like Reiner are imploding. Liberalism is clearly a mental disease. It is nothing more than a cult celebrating arson, rape, murder, human trafficking, and death. For the last three plus years the ‘fake news’ media, liberals and Democrat politicians lied to cover up for Joey, so tell me why I should believe anything they say now. They’re just as guilty as Joey is for the destruction of this country. Did we lose our ‘democracy’ the first time Donald Trump was president? Nope. I love watching these people twist in the wind. It must suck to be this miserable, but I’m happy for them! To constantly be in a rant, that sucks too.

Democrats are all such hypocrites! Joey was the guy for Democrats up until the debate. And then, suddenly, for many he was not. Suddenly he became incompetent to them and must step down. Everyone else has known for years that Joey has had mental issues, but Democrats ignored it. Now, when it looks like Joey may go to defeat to President Trump. many are tossing him under the bus. The whole “our democracy” narrative is nothing but pure political bullshit. I mean here they are working to overturn their own party’s primary voters’ ‘choice’ so the party elites can then select the candidate they feel can actually win...some democracy.

Finally, Democrat policies have FAILED us, ALL of us. And failed miserably. Democrats have forced upon this country endless illegal migration, endless inflation, an endless war, endless tax increases, endless destruction of free speech, endless infringements on the 2nd amendment, endless attacks on working class Americans, endless Lawfare on non-Democrats. Getting rid of Joey is only a start at getting rid of these freedom and life destroying Democrat policies. Joey’s mental incapacity is really only half the problem. And whether it’s Joey or his inner circle making the decisions, their performance over the last three plus years has set the world on fire.

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