Thursday, July 11, 2024


Ok, so let me see if I have this right. First the Democrats identify the guy, for reasons I think we all know, that they wanted to be their candidate for president, then they essentially shoved him down our throat by trick fucking the system, aka blatantly cheating, to get him into office and then, when things went south, because it became more obvious to more people that Joey is clearly minus more than his accepted number of marbles, the same people who worked so hard to get him into office are now the very same ones saying that he now needs to be removed and replaced. You see, they want to dump him because they now see him as being a political liability.

And they see him as a liability because while he has served his purpose as a puppet dancing on the end of their strings, and acting as nothing more than a rubberstamp for their insanely leftist policies, which is why they supported him in the first place, there is now the issue of his diminished brain power, which they can no longer keep hidden. More and more it’s out there for all to see, and frankly has been for some time. Therefore, Joey now poses a threat. And threat to being able to see the policies that he put into place achieving their desired result, to bring about, once and for all, the long-stated goal of the Democrat Party, complete destruction of our country.

And so it’s now that with nearly each passing day that some new voice is heard demanding that Joey vacate the race for what we’re told is the “good” of the country. But it’s at the very same time that there are also those who are very vocal when it comes to their support of old Joey. But it’s upon closer inspection of these people that one very quickly discovers that, for the most part, they are some of the more hardcore leftist members of the party. Confident, I assume, in their ability to finish off the country before they’re forced to throw in the towel on old Joey. They must think that there is still something left that they can squeeze out of the old fool.

Democrats have been working very hard to drastically alter the fabric of our country for over 60 years, and they have been nothing if not persistent. And now, just as they sense victory, they are not about to let an obviously senile old fuck, even one of their own, stand in their way. They are determined to permanently, and forever, “fundamentally transform” our country. The future these puppet masters seek, is not the future that the rest of hope for our children, and their children. Socialists supporting other socialists, that’s now the way of the Democrat Party. American politics has been made so toxic that only scumbag sociopaths now run for office.

And I can’t be the only one to have noticed how no one on the other side, NO ONE, is even suggesting that Joey should step down for the sake of his own health, to get the care he needs, and to perhaps enjoy what few years he may have left. All they care about is a win in November and that Joey isn’t the useful tool they need anymore. But then that’s all Democrats really care about. Here’s Joey who has given his entire adult life to his party, and what thanks does he get? Nothing more than to get cast aside like an old shoe. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no great sympathy for guy. Frankly when his time finally does come I hope he spends an eternity rotting in Hell.

And it’s all of his many supporters that can be heard talking about all of the great and wondrous things that he has done over the course of his over 50 years in politics. And yet no one can name one positive thing. The only thing that I know is that Joey has spent over 50 years at the public trough and has accomplished virtually nothing worthwhile. Except for making himself and his family rich. He is a corrupt politician, an embarrassment that has made things worse for millions of American. Please, tell me what incredible things Joey has done for our country, I really do want to know. Joey’s entire time in office has resulted in nothing positive for this country.

But this is not the end of the story that the Democrats wanted, and now they’re scrambling. Think about it, many in the media and many more on the Left, are admitting Joey is officially compromised, with some finally asking the question that many of us have been asking for some time, who is really running the country. And like the lover hiding under the bed, it’s they who are now in the spotlight. They usurped our government. They pulled off a coup, they are the insurrectionists and in need of being punished. If not, then they will surely go boldly forward. While they have lost a lot of ground, they crossed a line never before crossed in our country.

Democrats hate this country and want nothing more than to see it destroyed, but they also want to be the ones able to take credit for being the ones to destroy it. At this point, most Americans know that Joey isn’t really in charge of anything. But what inquiring minds really want to know, is who it might be that are his puppet masters. In my humble opinion we the people were handed a bit of a ‘miracle’ in that Joey fell apart in the nick of time, essentially allowing the curtain to be pulled back to expose him as being the fake *president we have long suspected and to make the world finally ask, “Ok, who is running this country?” Cause it ain’t Joey, not by at stretch!

And yet polls still show that nearly half of our braindead population would still vote this senile, old creep. That likely the scariest thing of all. This once again shows how Democrats handle problems. First of all, they lie and cover up. Second they fabricate and spin. Third they accuse all opposition of being the problem and Fourth, they are emotional, they cry, yell, scream and protest. Fifth, is that they are making the wrong decision and then finally the looney tunes loudmouths of the Democrat may win out with their leaders making the wrong decision. In the end all you need to know is that it doesn’t matter WHO they run, it’s their agenda that must be defeated at all costs.

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