Friday, July 26, 2024


Now I don’t know about anyone else but I for one am getting more than a little bored with the growing number of Hollyweird kooks threatening to leave the country if President Trump succeeds in getting re-elected. I mean, seriously, do they actually expect us to beg them not to go? Talk about your basic narcissistic behavior. I mean do any of these goofs, with the overinflated sense of importance, really think that we wouldn’t be able to get along without them? These stupid entertainment types are a dime a dozen. They provide no service that any of us could not get along without and care about no one but themselves. Yet they see themselves as indispensable.

And it’s none of these people who live in their million dollar homes, and drive around in their expensive cars that have a clue about what it takes to be able to live paycheck to paycheck. They simply have no clue about how much more difficult that becomes when you’re paying twice as much for a gallon of gas than you were not that long ago, or how your grocery bill has gotten to the point where you must decide between the things you want and the things you cannot do without. And yet, it’s these same egotistical morons, these arrogant, uneducated buffoons who continue to want to lecture us about what they think is best for us and for the country.

And just how conceited must one be to think that any of us living in the real world would even consider voting for those who seem so intent on making our lives more difficult just to keep them from leaving the country. Is that not the most ludicrous thing you’ve ever heard? Especially when you stop to consider the fact that none of them, not a goddamn one, actually intend to make good on their silly threat. And how do I know that? This is not the first time that we’ve heard many of these same people making the very same threat. They didn’t leave then, and they won’t leave this time either. So my advice to them is to simply shut the fuck up. No one cares.

Yet strangely enough, it’s all of these people who still expect to be taken seriously. And it’s many of them who actually demand it, why I don’t know. When your only claim to fame is being able to act, to sing, or to excel at some sport, your opinion matters no more to me than that of your average three year old. In short, I don’t give a flying fuck what you think. You do not know what’s best for me and you most certainly don’t understand what it means to have to worry about being able to provide for your family or about being able to keep them safe. And it’s those you would have us vote for that care about nothing more than filling their own pockets.

The single most important job I have, the one thing I am most responsible for, is being able to provide for my family. And that is my sole criteria when trying to determine who it is that I should be voting for. It’s certainly not what some Hollyweirdo is lecturing me about. Never in my life has it been that any Democrat has ever helped in lessening my load. Republicans, despite their many flaws, have been far more helpful to me. Therefore, it’s Republicans that I will continue to vote for. And you can rest assured that come this November I will once again be voting for President Donald J. Trump and I would recommend that every single American do so as well.

And so, we will likely continue to have leftwing loons threatening to leave the country if President Trump is re-elected, although I remain a little confused as to why? Did he make America such a horrible place to during his first term? Most sane persons would answer, “Of course not!” It’s the prospect of Harris actually pulling this thing off that should be prompting most people to consider leaving, if they can. I mean, seriously, our country has already been put through the ringer over the course of the last three and a half years, and another four years of the same policies will cause our country to implode. We have to do better if we want to leave anything behind for our children.

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