Wednesday, July 3, 2024


What do you suppose it is that runs through the pea sized brain of an individual as they cast their vote for someone like Maxine Waters, or someone like her. While I may never know the answer to that question, I feel confident in saying that I know what most certainly does not run through the mind of anyone when casting a vote for ANY Democrat. And that would be a sense of patriotism or a desire to bring about a less intrusive government, lower taxes, less crime or a secure border. So what is most important to Democrats when casting their vote. Well, that would be such important issues such as abortion, ‘climate change,’ and, of course, hatred of President Trump.

And something tells me that the closer we get to November, the more we can expect those on the left to become even more unglued than they already are, to the point where we’ll soon be hearing how it is that compared to President Trump, Hitler was nothing short of a saint. And it during was past Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Deadline: White House,” that we got a taste of just how crazy things are likely to become when wackadoodle House Democrat Zoe Lofgren claimed that *president Joey could actually use the Supreme Court decision affirming a degree of immunity for former and current presidents to remove conservative justices from the high court.

And it was in referencing President Trump that this dolt, Lofgren told host, and resident kook, Nicolle Wallace that the decision was a “complete departure” from American history. She said, “He’s been very open about what he intends to do, and that’s retribution. He, himself, said last December he intends to terminate parts of the Constitution. He didn’t say which parts. Be didn’t say which parts but apparently, the Court is going to give him a wide range to terminate whatever he wants. You know, he summoned a mob to Washington knowing they were armed. He sent them to the Capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."

And she went on to say, “If that’s OK, we’ve got a problem in this country. And certainly, in the debate the other night, he would not commit to accepting the election results this November unless he won. So we’ve got a problem here. If he cannot be accountable to — any president, any president cannot be held accountable under the laws that exist — that’s a complete departure from our history. I guess, you know, theoretically, President Biden, acting within the scope of his official duties, could dispatch the military to take out the conservative justices on the Court, and he’d be immune.” So was moron actually making a thinly veiled threat?

And then it was MSDNC ‘legal analyst,’ and resident slimeball, Andrew Weissmann’s turn as he indicated that Lofgren was correct in her nutty assertion, adding that the high court decision removes “an enormous check” on the president. He said, “All these things the congresswoman is saying could be done, which is … Joe Biden could go ahead and prosecute somebody like Donald Trump with no evidence — that’s OK. Could order somebody to be killed — that’s OK. Could go ahead and prosecute Justice Thomas for tax evasion or for bribery based on the facts that we know with respect to Harlan Crow?” This guy is such a pathetic little creep.

And he concluded saying, “All of that seems to be on the table, which is horrendous and the reason it’s not going to happen for Joe Biden is because he’s decent and he wouldn’t do it. But that’s not how our country’s supposed to be working on checks and balances. This takes away an enormous check on the most powerful position in the free world.” These people have now become clinically insane. It isn’t merely rhetoric. They actually believe what they’re saying. Look at the destruction and violence they support and fund while disregarding the Constitution and our once civilized society. It isn’t what President Trump would do; it’s what THEY would do to conservatives!

Democrats are fixated on using exaggeration and psychological projection against those they view as the opposition. Democrats communicate inaccurately most of the time. The American Founders recognized humans as being attracted to fault and therefore formed the American system of government with three co-equal branches to offset the evil any one branch of government might use as means to gain advantage over other two. The desired result intended was a government by the consent of the governed. More people need to realize we are at war. Leftists WILL round people up. They always do. The ruling is actually much scarier for conservatives than for liberals.

The Democrats are the ones who have demonstrated a willingness to twist any law they want to do their dirty work. Then, their corrupt DAs and judges rubber stamp their malfeasance. I can see the Democrats abusing this decision to go after President Trump, much more than the reverse. They’ve been promising to do this for decades and every time they lose. But they’re still here. Because they know this is the only country in the world that puts up with their raving nonsense. If they moved to any of communist countries they wish to emulate, they’d be dead in a week because the rulers of those countries would never let them spew their arrogant drivel.

Those who applaud the slaughter of 65 million innocent defenseless American unborn babies should be regarded as being capable of all manner of evil. The left has been very adamant about dehumanizing and eliminating populaces in violent fashion for over one hundred years. From the Bolsheviks to the National Socialists, to the Maoists, to the Cubans, to the Khmer Rouge. Even in the U.S. as far back as the 1960s the Weather Underground surmised they would have to eliminate millions of Americans that did not conform with their new Communist Utopia. As recently as a few years ago you had lawyers of the NPR talking about putting people in “reeducation camps."

The statement by this leftist buffoon, Lofgren, is only the tip of the iceberg. When the progressive coalition reaches a certain level, sending their police powers against their opposition is exactly what will happen. These people are really showing their true colors! Lawless, violent, stupid thugs. They’ve been openly saying that’s exactly what they want to do. Numerous Democrats have openly said that they want to ‘round up everyone who voted for Trump’ and ‘put them into re-education camps.’ They think they’re illustrating how silly they think this ruling is. But what they’re really illustrating is what a pack of bloodthirsty murderers they all are.

These Democrats are already referring to veterans, religious folks and those who are pro-life as being true enemies of the state. And as such Joey could very easily round them all up as domestic terrorists today and enjoy the very same immunity they are now claiming that President Trump plans on using. But Joey has already rounded people up. Anyone who was anywhere near the Capitol building was arrested, with over 300 still in prison. The Democrats are the party of tyranny. Lawfare directed from the White House against a former President and current political opponent is more than unprecedented in American history; it is totalitarian and evil.

The Democrats were clearly confident that they managed to make considerable progress in their effort to seal up their dictatorship with the help of the ‘Chinese virus.’ Remember what Democrats governors like Whitmer, Cuomo and Newsom did? Whitmer, whose mandates prevented people from buying plant seeds or house paint. And how about Newsom? Eating at a fancy restaurant costing thousands after having declared that no one else could eat out or even have dinner guests, or go to church. And then there was Cuomo. They all thought they could continue their little reign of terror and nobody would notice, but people did notice and they won’t forget.

Once again, they claim President Trump will do, or does do, everything that the Democrats are actually doing right now. It’s insane. Democrats will do anything to seize and to maintain power. They are the ones who hate the Constitution and its supporters. They are the ones who want there to be one party capable of dictatorial rule. And they’re desperately encouraging one of their deranged lunatic cultists to assassinate President Trump or members of Supreme Court. Everyone who chooses to vote for any of these people is no better than they are. These people are dangerous, and anyone who votes for them is to be considered dangerous as well.

And finally, might there be a silver lining regarding the theft of the 2020 election? And yes, I firmly believe the election was stolen. I only ask because would we now have any concept regarding the depth of the depravity, and the level of corruption, we continue to see from the Democrats, their liberal supporters and, of course, the RINOs if President Trump had won. Personally, I don’t think so. We can only hope that people’s eyes have now been opened to the truth of what these Democrats are all about. It’s truly amazing. Democrats are monsters. They lie and are actually compelled to lie even when telling the truth would better serve their purpose.

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