Monday, July 29, 2024


I must admit that I always have to chuckle whenever I hear some Democrat claiming how it’s only Democrats who are capable of bringing our country together. And oddly enough, more often than not, it’s in the very same breath they’re saying something that seems to make clear what they really think, which is that actually bringing people together is the very last thing they want to do. Because if that were ever to actually happen the Democrats would never again win another election. It’s these people, with the help of those in the ‘fake news’ media, who spend the vast majority of their time dreaming up all manner of new ways to ensure America remains divided.

I mean, just how is it that those of us on the right can be expected to come together with those who are constantly referred to us as a deplorable, one of the dregs of society, a racist or called any number of other names for no other reason than because we dare to disagree with Democrats politically. And while I used to get pissed off, these days I just take their drivel with a grain of salt. I mean, seriously, what reasonable individual is able to look at those things supported by Democrats and not come to the conclusion that yes, there are those who in American politics who seek to bring an end to this country, and that they very clearly reside on the left.

And it was this past Sunday during an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ that J.B. Pritzker, Democrat governor of Illinois, one of the most corrupt states of our union, argued that President Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance were “just weird.” This guy is just too funny, at a time when the Democrat Party, in its entirety, is the very definition of all that it means to be “weird.” Is this another attempt by Democrats to lower the temperature of American politics and bring us all together? Is that the best he can do? Damn, you’d think that with so many Hollyweird writers available and at DNC disposal, this fat toad could have come up with something better than that!

Pritzker said, “The electorate is energized. Democrats are ready to go. You’ve seen hundreds of thousands of people signing up to volunteer. Our candidate is the energizer bunny. She’s been everywhere all the time over the last several days, and we’re excited about that to get to see her in the battleground states and all over the country. Her message is one that I think resonates with people. One of those things, of course, is pointing out the differences between these two candidates.” He added, “I mean, on the other side, they’re just weird. I mean, they really are. The things that they stand for, Donald Trump of course, is afraid of windmills."

This toad then went on to say, “You know, he talks about all kinds of crazy stuff. You know, his running mate as you probably have heard is, you know, getting known for his obsession with couches, and somebody who is hiding his views on a woman’s right to choose, and then just broadly, the attack on people who are childless and saying that we ought to raise taxes on childless people and calling them cat ladies. I think, you know, he apologized to cats, but, you know, he hasn’t apologized to women.” Perhaps Pritzker should look at the condition of his own miserable state before calling out others for being “weird.” People are leaving his state in droves, and for one reason.

Pritzker and other Democrats have made Illinois into a cesspool of crime, high taxes, labor unions, human trafficking, vagrancy, drug abuse, human overpopulation, big government, welfare and socialism. Businesses are no longer interested in operating in there. People who want a prosperous future and to raise their children in a safe environment are fleeing his state. He thinks President Trump and J.D. Vance are “weird” because they love this country and want to make it “Great Again.” This leftist prick displays the standard insanity common to all of these parasitic Democrats. They all have the same goal, the end of the country by any means available.

Look, clearly the Democrats have absolutely nothing on which to run. The southern border is a disaster, inflation is out of control, gas prices are double what they were when Joey took office, food prices are crazy and violent crime is out of control. And all are directly related to policies put in place by Democrats. And the best they can do is say accuse our guys of being “weird?” And then there’s the videos of Harris saying outlandish things about getting rid of gas and oil, the silly cackling and the nonsensical speeches. The negative ads and clips are not what a winning campaign looks like. Only another big steal will deliver Harris the votes she needs in November.

But let’s talk “weird,” shall we. Weird is, men pretending to be women and expecting normal people to go along with it. Weird is demanding unfettered abortion throughout the entire pregnancy and calling it healthcare. Weird is, wanting open borders and inviting an invasion, from around the entire world, of people who take our jobs and are given free stuff and who would kiII us all if they got the chance. Weird is, demanding the elimination of our abundant natural energy sources, while our economy spirals out of control because of it. And weird is blaming President Trump for an assassination attempt which claimed the life of an American citizen.

What’s weird is an obese slob pretending to know what’s best for your health by keeping your kids home from school and you from working when the threat to most societal groups was minimal. Weird is an ignorant Leftist presiding over a failing state, bleeding residents from over taxation and wasteful fraud by his destructive party. And what’s weird is how it is that someone like this fat slob, Pritzker, actually thinks that he has the right to keep parents in the dark about their own children’s “gender identity” and other “mental disorders” and that he has the gall to call out President Trump and J.D. Vance as being “weird?” Does that make any sense?

And the morons who elected him must also be a bit weird. Pritzker is proof of all that is wrong with our political class - they are so out of touch with the people that they are clueless. This is why they believe they know what is best for "the people". How can they know what is best when they have no understanding of the people? This is why our Founding Fathers warned us against a political class. Another sleaze bag democrat politician who finds decency “weird.” Pritzker & his ilk are just corrupt criminals who support child-trafficking, pedophiles, human-trafficking, drug cartels, money-laundering, bribery, murder of innocent life, lawlessness, and treason.

Democrats think every patriotic American is “weird.” Pritzker is a bloated buffoon. He is incapable of substantive reasoning or discussion. Hence his juvenile attempt at humor by parodying Vance’s positions is beyond sophomoric. The Left always does this sort of projection. They have a loser candidate in Harris who is BEYOND weird with her cackle-cackle laugh, word-salad nonsense, double-digit IQ, annoying voice and lunatic far-left policies. She couldn’t be more weird if she tried. So all they can is what they can do. Which is what they always do, which is to project their own issues onto the opposition. So now, President Trump is suddenly “weird.” So predictable.

So take note of this new narrative folks, “weird” is the word. And President Trump and J.D. Vance are from this point on to be considered as “weird.” And yet it’s the Marxist left that continues to try to redefine our society. Up is down, and down is up. There isn’t truth, there is “my truth.” Everything is relative. Ridiculous terminology like Social Justice and Equity. Not only do WE need to vote, but we need to recruit four or five just like us and take them either to vote or show them how to get an early ballot and then fill it out then take it to the box. This one is consequential. If Harris beats President Trump it’s 100 year conservative irrelevancy folks.

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