Saturday, July 13, 2024


Man, you gotta know you’re having a bad day, especially if you’re a Democrat, and an ‘incumbent’ *president no less, when a racist piece of shit like Al Sharpton accuses you of being a racist. After all, it’s in Sharpton that we have a guy with a long history of hating white folks, a guy who has virtually no social redeeming qualities yet who has the gall to call someone a racist. When you stop to think about it, it’s kinda funny. And funnier still is the fact that this boob continues to be called upon to provide his unique, and rather pointless, perspective on a subject he’s clueless about other than as a way to make money. The fact one is black, does not make one an expert on racism.

And rarely does Sharpton stray beyond CNN or MSDNC, where he can be with like-minded individuals, to offer his rather skewed opinion on the subject of race in America. And it was such a case this past Friday when Sharpton made an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Morning Schmo.’ And it was then that Sharpton stated that he found it to be “offensive” that Joey only asked white reporters questions at his NATO Summit press conference, but yet he still expects black voters to support him while leaving them out of the conversation. Host Willie Geist said, “There is deep concern and I know you’re hearing it, too, that Joe Biden could lose it all for Democrats."

Sharpton said, “I’m hearing it, yes but I’m also hearing, not so fast because if not Biden, then how do we do a transition that doesn’t put us in a more dangerous position? I was in Milwaukee yesterday doing a eulogy for a black man killed by some hotel guards. People there are in an uproar about that are saying to me, you cannot win Wisconsin without Milwaukee and black turnout. They were saying to me, well, we have questions about Biden’s age, but where do we go? Are they going to try to undermine Kamala Harris? I think that if we’re talking a coalition, you’ve got to remember the basic roots of that coalition, black, Latinos, and labor."

And he added, “You can’t just take for granted, we’re going to go where some people just want to go and abandon someone who has been with us.” He continued, “I looked at the press conference last night and said, where are the black reporters? I mean, we’re looking at all whites questioning Biden, and black voters are supposed to get in line? I think that a lot of the people that are stepping out there taking things for granted. You notice that maybe only one member of the Congressional Black Caucus has said Biden ought to step aside.” Sharpton concluded, “Don’t forget, it was the stonewall of the black voter and then the Latino vote that put Biden in nomination."

He said, “For us to be out of these discussions I think is offensive and elitist.” And it was Geist who then said, “The White House determined which reporters got questions yesterday.” And Sharpton responded saying, “That’s who I was addressing.” Sharpton may be a race-baiting charlatan, but it is nice that he too is piling on old Joey. Honestly, can anyone tell me, just how many lives Sharpton has actually improved over his alleged “career” in social ‘activism?’ I mean, other than his own, since we know that’s what ‘activists’ do. They’re in it for themselves and no one else. Otherwise, the activist is no longer needed, and they’d have to get a real job.

And might I point out something that perhaps you would have thought that perhaps old Willie might have actually bothered to point out?  First of all, this was supposedly a press conference about the NATO summit, not a campaign event. And seriously, how many black voters are going to be offended about questions concerning NATO? And secondly, how many black reporters were in the press pool? And thirdly, old Joey clearly had a list of who to call and when. This whole ‘press conference’ was pre-orchestrated, it really wasn’t much of a press conference. But it wasn’t Joey’s fault. Apparently, none of the black reporters present submitted their questions in advance.

This lying racist ambulance chaser has been eulogizing black deaths for decades, and using them to his political advantage. To think that he still has a place on any of these supposed ‘news and information’ type shows makes clear just how much in the tank MSDNC is for Democrat liars. And if Sharpton is just now figuring out that Joey is a racist, then what good is he? Seriously! Clearly, he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but one thing is for certain, he sure is a great race baiter and tax evader and Democrat huckster. Joey, like Sharpton, is what he has always been. But many blacks are simply too stupid to see it! These people get what they deserve!

Remember what LBJ said when he signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, passed by Republicans, and about how he said he would keep them voting democrat for 200 years? He was a despicable man and a racist. He didn’t care about civil rights; it was just more pandering for votes, and it worked. Blacks have been in line for decades and, for most part, willingly so. Everyone knows the vast majority of blacks, as well as every other minority, will vote for any Democrat that comes along. The easiest votes for a Democrat to get are black votes. And I really don’t understand why any black voters support Democrats. What have Democrats ever done for them?

Sharpton wakes up in the morning and accuses the air of being racist. That’s all he’s got. Racism, racism, racism. It’s all he knows. He is a sick, sub-human that’s made his money on racism claims. Sharpton need not worry thought, Democrats have most blacks living in misery on the plantation. Blacks have been trained to vote for Democrats. Most of them are stupid enough to vote for Democrats in every election. Democrats have long taken black voters for granted, all the while vehemently supporting policies that disproportionately destroy black lives through abortion and all manner of government dependence. Which is all just fine with Sharpton.

Hustlers like Sharpton always shut down any real talk on social and individual empowerment for those in the black community. They just want more free stuff. That’s a prescription for continued cultural rot, and any given random city will have a ghetto where blacks live. That’s just wicked and exploitive. But hey as long as money keeps going into his bank account old Sharpton could care less. And nothing is going to change until enough blacks finally wake up and see who the real racists are. Either that or they finally get to where they want more out of life than what the Democrats are willing to give them in exchange for their votes. Only then will Sharpton be out of a job.

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