Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Riddle me this…was Fox News ever really “Fair and Balanced?” Or was I simply naïve for all those many years when Fox News was on my TV from six in the morning to roughly 10 at night. Back when I actually looked forward to watching some of the network’s main players, players who would, with the arrival of Donald Trump onto the scene, come to make clear that they were really no different than their colleagues on any of the other ‘news’ networks. But the final straw came on election night back in 2020. Since that night Fox has not been on in my house for so much as a minute and I have not had so much as a second of regret. There’s just no reason to watch.

And one of those who I once had much respect for, in the pre-Trump era, was Brit Hume. He had, what I thought was, bona fide insight regarding our political system. But with Trump came a loss of both respect and trust of many on the network, including Hume. And it was recently that he once again only served to bolster my decision to abandon Fox News, that being when he offered his skewed opinion on President Trump’s choice of a running mate, J.D. Vance. You see, it was Monday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” that Hume opined about how Vance’s inexperience is real while discussing his qualifications to be vice president.

Hume said, “You can see why Trump made the choice did he, young, dynamic guy, very bright, dazzling articulate. I’m sure he pictured him in a debate with Kamala Harris and having no trouble with the competition. On the other hand, you know, if you are looking at this as someone who might be reluctant to vote for Donald Trump and are looking for reassurance that everything would be ok if something happened to this old man and we learned over the weekend, it certainly can. We learned about what kind of shape a president can be in after a few years in office when we saw Joe Biden’s condition. I’m not sure this is that reassuring of choice."

He added, “He is 39 years old, yes. He is very smart. His inexperience is real. Don Jr. is wrong when he says experience is not important. It’s very important, and he has very little of it. People are looking at him and saying, is this guy a plausible president? You could argue that he is but also argue that he is not.” Now you’d think someone of Hume’s supposed reputation could do better than to present such a pathetically weak argument against Vance. I mean, considering that our hyper experienced politicians, and so-called foreign policy experts, have essentially run our country into a ditch over the past 40 or so years, I'll take the new guys, thank you very fucking much!

Hume has a long history of hating Trump and everything that Trump does. He questions the veracity of Vance and yet he sat on his ass for eight years during Obama’s reign of terror without saying nary a word and has done pretty much nothing more than watch the wanton destruction that has taken place under Joey for the last three and a half years, rarely questioning it. Hume is a throwback to the 'ole timey geezers that used to be the primary news pontificators and commentators back in the 60s, 70s and 80s. These self-important erudite elites who essentially were all members of the same left of center clique, and who tried to project neutrality.

When you look at where Joey’s over a half century of experience has gotten us, Vance’s supposed inexperience is a positive asset by comparison. I mean, seriously, look at the mess we’re currently in because of people who have decades of “experience” running the show. “Experience” that has gotten us nothing more than $35 trillion in the hole, rampant corruption, waste and incompetence in every institution the federal government administers, a crumbling infrastructure, wide open borders, endless wars, a dependent welfare class, an unstable economy and a nation on the brink of serious civil conflict. Tell me again, Brit, how “experience’ matters."

And so Joey’s half a century in politics has been little more than an abysmal failure.  And let’s compare the experience of old ‘Headboard’ Harris to that of Vance. Why is it that nothing is ever said about how Harris is not considered as a plausible president. She’s a complete moron who got where she is by spending the majority of her free time, if not on her back, on her knees. Considering she comes across as an unserious, silly, vapid and incapable person, I dread to think what our allies, as well as our enemies, would make of her as President. She speaks incoherently, her work ethic is questionable, and she regularly turns into a giggly schoolgirl or a laughing hyena.

You may recall how it was that those in the ‘Deep State,’ and their ‘fake news’ media hacks like Hume, raised the same “inexperience” flag with Donald Trump, who turned out to be one of the greatest presidents in our history. To the point where they had to cheat in order to remove him from office in 2020. We do not want “experienced,” unqualified, lawyer POLITICIANS who seek nothing more than self-enrichment. And Doanld Trump’s inexperience in the world of politics was a very real thing, and unfortunately it did show in some areas, in that he simply chose to trust the wrong people. But that did not keep him from accomplishing many great things.

Hume has been a NeverTrumper from the beginning. Vance has more experience than ‘BO’ had before becoming President. ‘BO’ had completed two years of his first six-year term as a U.S. Senator and before that was a community agitator who had finagled his way into being a state senator in one of the most corrupt states in the entire country. Vance will have been a Senator for 2 years when he assumes office as vice president, he was a U.S. Marine, and has 10 years’ experience as a practicing attorney after that. ‘BO’ was, as I’ve said, nothing more than a community agitator who never practiced law. But I don’t recall Hume opining on ‘BO’s total lack of experience.

The thing is, experience doesn’t always end up doing much for someone, and I would only say that “journalists” are the prime examples of that. Personally, I’m not worried about Vance’s level of experience or worried about whether he would make a plausible president. Many wondered the same of Donald Trump who had never been a politician, never served in Congress or held any public office and yet he proved himself to be, and will again, the best president America has had in recent history. Vance is smarter than your average bear and will have four years with President Trump to gain that experience. He just needs to learn from the master.

It was back in 2016 that the country was ready to take a chance on the “inexperienced” Donald Trump after eight year fiasco that were the ‘BO’ years that were all about intentionally destroying the country’s rule of law, the economy and the country’s ability to protect itself against enemies, both foreign and domestic. And if the truth be known, in 2020 even more Americans were ready for four more years, but we all know what happened. Trump’s very successful four-year tenure had begun to check and reverse the left’s anti-citizens policies, and then Joey was ‘selected’ president and the radical left was able to pick up where ‘BO’ had left off.

“Experience” does not automatically result in more capability, wisdom, competence or virtue, just look at someone like Joey. That said, a “lack of experience” does not mean that the person is incapable or limited in making good decisions based on intelligence, facts, principles, input from others with experience and realistic common sense. Look, we have tons of so-called experienced people in government, and if all that experience was actually a good thing wouldn’t you think that the country would be in a far better place than where we currently find ourselves? Hell, the country today is far worse off than it was just four short years ago.

“Experience” is what has got us into the dangerous situations we’re now in, so if experience is what you are looking for, then vote for a Democrat. They have years of experience garnering votes courtesy of fraud, selling off our country to Red China, and gaining billions from make-believe business transactions. Experience made us into an impotent military power, as experienced leaders joined trending waves of woke philosophy, and thousands of children are having surgery to change their sex. We are up to our necks in a level of political corruption never before witnessed in this country. So from where I’m sitting, “experience” may not necessarily be a good thing.

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