Monday, July 28, 2014


To tell you the truth, I honestly thought the old girl was dead. But alas, apparently such is not the case. And so it is then, that one of our less than impressive secretaries of state, and obviously one of those who possess a rather over-inflated sense of importance felt it necessary to once again impart upon us more of rather her simplistic view of the world. Apparently she must think there remains anyone who has some level of interest in what it is that she might have to say.

So it was then that anyone who chose to tune into ‘Face the Nation’, with senile old Bob Schieffer still at the helm, this past Sunday, was treated to the rather warped view of the world possessed by this shrivelled up old has-been. Because once again Ms. ‘Not So’ Bright was offered the opportunity to go in front of a television camera and spew her idiotic drivel as if anyone but her friends on the left would be at all interested in hearing what she thinks.

This genius implied that back when the West could focus only on the Soviet Union as the main enemy, while the world "clearly was dangerous", it was less so than today when there are multiple points of conflict and the danger is much harder to focus on. But why is it, exactly, that we now have these "multiple points of conflict", I wonder. Might that be a direct result of the ineptness that’s consistently on display by our less than stellar foreign policy team?

According to Ms. ‘Not So’ Bright, in the diplomatic world there is something going on all the time and it is the job of diplomats to manage it. So our first problem is that for the last 5 years we haven’t had anyone capable to doing that. She mentioned that there have been "two huge game changers." Those "game changers", according to her, are Putin's behavior on Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and the conflict in the Middle East. Neither of which have we ‘managed’.

‘Not So’ Bright, who served under ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, said she admires Secretary of State John Kerry-Heinz's work in the Israeli-Hamas conflict. I’m sure she does, because she was no better at doing the job than he is. Have you ever noticed how it is that Democrats always make for some of the worst secretaries of state this country has ever had? Think about it, when was the last time that we had a decent secretary of state under a Democrat president?

Ms. ‘Not So’ Bright is another one of those who continues to believe that the two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians is the only possible solution. While she believes Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas attacks, she fears its image is being damaged because of its ability to overwhelm Hamas on the battlefield. So what is it, then, that she would have the Israeli’s do? You would think that she would be calling for such overwhelming force to be used.

There is only one way for there to be a lasting peace in this part of the world. Israel must unleash its full power on these terrorists. These Palestinian thugs must be, quite literally, bludgeoned into submission. Israel is going to have recognize the fact that it is not going to win the PR battle, but Israel must not allow itself to be dissuaded from taking this battle to its only logical conclusion, and one that will provide security for its people. Regardless of those like Ms. ‘Not So’ Bright.

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