Monday, July 14, 2014


These days I’m curious about how much more it’s going to take before enough of the American people finally become convinced that Barry is in the process of systematically dismantling this country. And is this really the sort of "change" that even his most die-hard supporters had in mind or were expecting. I mean when he spoke of "transforming America" were people really expecting that he would transform us from the most prosperous nation on Earth and into the equivalent of some Third World nation?

But I fear that even with everything that Barry has been able to accomplish over the course of the last 5+ years, it’s still not enough to convince a majority of Americans of the fact that it’s Barry’s continuing effort to drive us toward socialism that is most responsible for the current condition of our country. I mean, how long do people really expect things to last when we have a growing number of people who are nearly completely dependent upon the government for their subsistence? It’s impossible.

Because even though the country has not been in this bad of shape since the days of Jimmy Carter, for some bizarre reason many people still seem to be of the opinion that Hitlery Clinton is who should take over from Barry. But all that Hitlery represents is a continuation of all that we have gone through since day one of Barry "Almighty’s" presidency. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, from the left will ever be able to get this country headed back in the right direction, either economically of fiscally.

Because if the last 5 years have proven anything it’s that those in government are simply not up to the task. These people are driven by their own agendas and not by what’s best for the country. If this country is to salvaged the American people must stop their whining about the supposed unfairness of that one economic system that provides the greatest opportunity to all for becoming a success. They must realize that the kind of future their children will come to have is now completely dependent upon us.

Once upon a time when you asked someone what it was that they wished for their kids they would say that it was that their kids would be able to have a better life than they had, and the odds were in their favor of that becoming a reality. But with the advent of this ‘Age of Obama’ for most kids today that wish will remain just that. Besides the fact that our nation is now buried under what is a mountain of debt, everything that made it possible for this nation to achieve a level of greatness is now purposely being torn down.

Add to that the fact that our education system has now been made to morph into nothing more than a chain of government run indoctrination centers, with the advocates of "Common Core" determined to make it even more so. Very little actual teaching takes place in our school anymore, it’s now more about preaching the benefits of big government. We are now in a very scary place and few seem to have taken notice, or if they have noticed they don’t seem at all alarmed. But make no mistake about it, our survival is now very much in doubt.

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