Tuesday, July 15, 2014


While I may not be sure what it is exactly that they may be smokin’, snortin’ or shootin’ up over in the White House, one thing is for sure, it most certainly must be some pretty potent shit. And what I offer up as being proof of that is how Barry’s new spokesmoron, Josh Earnest, was able to claim, just yesterday, that the a direct result of the foreign policy being executed by Barry & Co. is a far more tranquil world. Now needless to say the use of such a word definitely raised some eyebrows as a few reporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea.

And apparently it was more than one reporter, during Monday’s press briefing, referred to a front-page Wall Street Journal article highlighting some of those crises, and citing security strategists as saying "the breadth of global instability now unfolding hasn’t been seen since the late 1970s." And let’s see, who is it that would have been president during those turbulent time? Why, it was none other than that other foreign policy genius, Jimmy Carter. So you see, here we have proof once again that history does repeat itself, but it helps to have a moron in White House.

And then it was one of my favorites from there in the Press Room, Fox News’ Ed Henry, citing the widening gaps between the sides in the Iranian nuclear talks, the conflict in and around Gaza, and the Syrian civil war, asked, "How does the White House react to the notion that the president is a bystander to all these crises?" To which Earnest replied, "I think that there have been a number of situations in which you’ve seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way, that has substantially furthered American interests and substantially improved the, uh, you know, the – the tranquility of the global community."

And ABC News’ Jon Karl quoted Attorney General Eric Holder’s assessment in an interview aired Sunday that the terrorist potential arising from Westerners returning home after fighting in Syria was "more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general." Karl then pointed to "what’s looking like an all-out war" between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Sunni jihadist successes in "taking over vast territory in Iraq and in Syria," Russian aggression in Ukraine, and concerns about Chinese handling of territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

He told Earnest, "It doesn’t seem like a time to be touting tranquility on the international scene." He then posed the question, "Do you think the president’s foreign policy bears any responsibility for any of this, or is there anything he can do about any of this?" Earnest said Barry’s thinking about foreign policy was guided by one core principle – "the national security interests of the United States of America." Ya know, that idiotic statement would be funny if it wasn’t such an outright lie. Are we really expected us to believe that Barry is concerned with the security interests of this country?

Immediately upon entering office, Barry was quick to remove America from its traditional role of leadership in the world. And what we’re now witnessing, nearly all across the globe, is a direct result of his action. Nature abhors a vacuum and as America backed away others, unfriendly to America’s interests, were quick to step up. And these players would have a vested interest in creating as much chaos as possible. You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to recognize the fact that the world is nowhere near to being a tranquil place, in spite of Barry’s idiotic claims.

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