Sunday, July 13, 2014


Ya know, I have an extremely low tolerance when it comes to Negroes who actually feel entitled to complain about their lives. Because the fact of the matter is that if it weren’t for them Barry would have never gotten elected in the first place and he damn sure would never have gotten reelected. But they thought things would be so much better for them if only we had a Negro in the White House. Well we’ve had one, or half one, for the last five years and blacks today are worse off than they were before we had one. But the thing is, that no matter how hard we tried to point out to them that Barry’s policies would do nothing to improve their situations, all we got in return was to be accused of being racists. And now all they have the nerve to whine? No one made them vote for this guy, they decided to do that all on their own.

So at this point the only thing that I have to say to these folks is, "What goes around, comes around." And ya know, I’d be willing to bet that most, if not all, of those now complaining so loudly would, if given the opportunity, be only too glad to vote for Barry yet again. But since that is not going to happen, the next best thing will be for them to all vote for Hitlery Clinton, which I’m sure they will do in great number. And by so doing blacks will once again further prove the point of how it is that they are their own worst enemy. Because until blacks come to realization that they have been played for suckers for nearly the last 50 years, little about their present situation can be expected to change. They are in control of their own destiny, and it is they, and no one else, who can, or should, be blamed for where it is that they are in their lives.

And the one thing that I’m really sick and tired of hearing about is how we in the Republican Party must somehow work to do more to entice blacks into joining our ranks, and about how it is that we need to work on building a bigger tent. Look, it shouldn’t take a genius to recognize the fact that the last 5 years have proven, and beyond all doubt, that bigger government is simply NOT the answer. Democrats have a very long history of advocating policies that are, not only, anti-family, but also anti-individual, and anti-personal responsibility. And look what it is that the Democrat Party has perpetrated against the black community. Today the black family lies in tatters, more black men are in prison than in college, and black unemployment is sky high. And even with all of this, blacks remain a very reliable Democrat constituency.

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