Friday, July 11, 2014


A recently conducted poll would seem reveal something that I suppose very few of us would be surprised to hear. What this new poll showed was that while Barry’s approval rating here at home has spent precious little time out of the toilet, apparently it is much higher among those who practice that supposed religion of peace. And far higher than with any other religious group here in the United States.

You see, it was a Gallup Poll conducted over six months from January to June, that shows that 72 percent of Muslims said they approve of Barry, compared with just 20 percent who say that they disapprove. Well, that would make Barry almost as popular with Muslims as he is black folks, which is another group that possess as rather strong hatred of America. So it would seem that we have a common thread running here.

Now it was also in this same survey of 88,801 adults, that we also find a higher percentage of Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, who say they disapprove of Barry than say they approve of him. Specifically, 44 percent of Catholics approve of the president compared to 51 percent who disapprove.In the category Protestants/Other Christians, just 37 percent approve compared to 58 percent who disapprove.

Now coming in right behind Muslims, as those who approve of Barry were Non-Christians and No Religion/Atheists. These groups give Barry the next highest approval ratings with 59 percent and 54 percent, respectively. And something that I have a difficult time understanding is the fact that those who identify themselves as being Jewish give Barry a comparable approval rating of 55 percent. What’s up with that?

Mormons are the least approving religious group with a 78 percent disapproval rating compared to just 18 percent who approve of the job Barry is doing. And this order of religious groups on job approval has been consistent throughout Barry's presidency. In fact, the current rank order, with Muslims most approving and Mormons least, exactly matches the order seen over the more than five years Barry has been in office.

So what, if anything, are we to take away from this latest information? What, if anything, does it tell us about Barry, that those who seem to have the highest approval of the way he is doing his job are Muslim, Jewish, or those who profess to have no religion at all? Right now I’m simply waiting for 2016 at which time I pray that we will be smart enough not to elect Hitlery. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could bring ourselves to elect someone who actually loves this country?

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