Thursday, July 3, 2014


Don’t you just love how this gang who has infiltrated the White House operates? They have such a rather unique way of doing things. There’s one set of rules for them and another, very different set of rules for everyone else. A system that was made very apparent on Wednesday when a CNN correspondent needled Josh Earnest regarding Barry's rather obvious double standard when it comes to equalizing America's salary gender gap for women who work in the White House.

It was CNN’s Michelle Kosinski who tried to pose a question, "It keeps coming up repeatedly that the metric the White House cites for there being a gap nationwide is also there at the White House," when old Josh interrupted her. He said, "Just a factual point before we continue this: the statistic that's cited about the country is about 77 cents on the dollar, and I think the White House was 88 cents on the dollar." And as we all know the 77 cents claim is nothing more than pure propaganda.

And just a little side note, there’s a bit more to that 77 cents for every dollar claim, and you’re not likely to hear about it from this new frontman for the White House . What that is, is the median, or for you liberals the midpoint, for all women in all jobs, not for women doing "the same work" or even necessarily working the same number of hours. Furthermore, the raw gap for all women is not quite as large when looking at weekly earnings rather than yearly earnings. It just makes for excellent rhetoric.

Anyway, our new spokesmoron, Earnest, went on to say, "So the White House is doing appreciably better than the country as a whole probably, but we still have more work to do at the White House. There are a lot of ways to evaluate pay equity, right?" But Kosinski wasn’t quite ready to end this line of questioning. She then followed up by asking if the White House should be using averages to examine the pay gap. Earnest was clearly getting more than a little agitated.

He said, "I think there are a variety of measures to try to get at whether or not workers are receiving equal pay for equal work. You can look at whether individuals who hold the same title make the same salary. That's certainly the case at the White House." Earnest cited Dan Pfieffer being paid the same salary the president's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett is paid. "So there is equal pay for equal work that is demonstrated here at the White House," he asserted.

And then he went to say, "I point out that of all of the departments here at the White House, 22 different departments, more than half of them are run by women. We have women in senior positions who are being paid in line with those senior positions." However, according to some recent data, the average man working at the White House earns $88,600, while the average woman earns $78,400, a 13 percent gap. The gap hasn't changed since 2009, when Barry began his second term.

Barry has continued to make pay equity one of his primary agenda items, pushing for a raise in the minimum wage, and advocating for increased equal-pay opportunities for women. In fact it was just last month in a speech he gave in Pittsburgh that Barry said, "This is not a women's issue, this is a family issue." He went on to say, "Women now bring in close to half of all income, and there are a whole lot of families out there where the woman is the primary breadwinner."

The bottom line here is that this entire notion of equal pay and pay equity is nothing more than an another attempt by Barry to further divide us and to pit us against each other. Because that’s how he intends to keep us distracted. You cannot base your opinion on this issue, or any other issue, simply on what he says. He figures the longer he can keep up fighting amongst ourselves the more time he’ll have to wreak all manner of havoc. And we seem only too happy to fall right into his trap.

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