Friday, July 18, 2014


As I have mentioned before, there was recently a very interesting fact brought to my attention, just the other day, and it was something that I had not been aware of before. It is the rather interesting fact that, on average, since 1976 the Democrats have never managed to get more than 38 percent of the white vote in any presidential election. And something else that I did already know, is the fact that the more uneducated one tends to be, the more likely, even probable, one is to vote Democrat. Oh sure, plenty of rich folks do as well, I suppose, but they’re motivated by their own twisted, self-serving, agenda.

So it then becomes apparent, and very quickly, why it is that the Democrats, with the help of corrupt teachers’ unions, have continually sought to turn our public school system into what has become a very efficient chain of government indoctrination centers. And they have been very successful in their efforts. And it also tells us, or at least it should, a great deal about why it is that the Democrats are so desperate to shove through Congress legislation that, while disguised as ‘comprehensive immigration reform’, is actually nothing more than a blatant attempt to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants.

And it’s my own personal opinion that, barring some freakish sort of awakening suddenly taking place within millions of Americans, this country is well on it’s way to becoming, and may now even be destined to become, one more, on a very long list of many, casualty of that rather misguided economic theory, known as socialism. I am now quite confident that those who so proudly identify themselves as progressives will ultimately come to win the battle for America, and for no other reason than because so many Americans now seem to be so eager to become nothing more than slaves of their government.

I have loved this country my entire life. I spent 24 years in the service of her Navy, and though I was never called upon to fight, I would have been only to glad to do so. And never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would come to live in a country where one political party would be working so hard to destroy it and all that it stands for. And the fact that I see so little outrage regarding what it is that’s now taking place, gives me little cause to hope that we will be able to salvage anything of what’s left of our once proud republic. We’ve allowed politicians to divide us, and therefore we’ve allowed them to win.

I guess I always thought, or at least hoped, that there would be enough people like me around to make what the Democrats sought to do to my country impossible to accomplish. But boy I was wrong. I guess I never considered that so many Americans would actually come to choose to become slaves to their government. So many today seem quite content to live as nothing more than parasites, choosing to simply live off their fellow Americans and with never a thought being given to the impact that their sense of entitlement might have on the lives of those individuals being forced to cover their costs. It’s just all so sad.

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